The man with the beard is my friend Doney Joseph.
Doney is a Catholic Malayali Engineer from Trivandrun who ran away to Bombay to work as a Film/TV Editor (his parents were under the impression he was doing something engineering-related), then made his way to the School of Cinematic Arts at USC to study film direction, editing, writing, and special effects, and finally married and settled down in Pasadena, CA.
As you can well imagine with a background like that, my friend Doney is a veritable cauldron of existential angst, roiling around in a vat full of literary, philosophical, ethical, cinematic, art, architecture, the-very-nature-of-human-existence conundrums.
I can always count on my young friend to probe for deep meaning in absolutely everything!
Doney's List
1. The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis (Écrits) - Jacques Lacan
2. Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema - Christian Metz
3. Symbolic Exchange and Death - Jean Baudrillard
4. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences - Michel Foucault
5. For Marx (Radical Thinkers) - Louis Althusser
6. The Death of the Author (1968) - Roland Barthes
7. Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze
8. Course in General Linguistics - Ferdinand De Saussure
9. Of Grammatology - Jacques Derrida
who received a Masters
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