Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Financial Markets Instructor: Ruben "Roobz" Pranata

This is Ruben Pranata.

Ruben recently graduated from UCLA (boo!) Anderson School of Management with an MBA.

Ruben is my co-worker and displays all the attributes that my parents wish I had:
- strong work ethic
- humility
- dependability
- integrity
- positivity
- ambition
- drive
- sociable
- friendly

I hate Ruben!

Ruben's List
1. Investments (6th ed.) - Bodie, Kane and Marcus

1 comment:

. said...

Mr. Basu,

Could you log into Orkut and transfer the community "Movies - All kinds" to someone who is a frequent visitor. I would be willing to remove the porno threads and other disgraceful links posted there. The only meaningful thread there is, 'Let's talk'. It's a big thread which has over 1300 posts..There are few desperately fanatic movie buffs who want the community to be clean. IF could please transfer that to me..

Here is the link that takes you directly to my profile in the community..click manage and transfer it..

I would be extremely grateful to you. It's a community that deserves to be maintained properly!